My daughter, Caroline Leighanne ~~
Once upon a time in a far off romantic land (Hawaii) as the sun drenched morn rose, a wonderful blessed event occurred on June 5, 1964. It was an absolute surprise that this little teeny tiny precious life came to birth so early. I cried with deep joy & finality. This soft pink bundle was so delicate & all mine … I wanted to jump up & down & scream to the world … I finally have a daughter, my future best friend forever. A soft wisp of light blonde/brown hair, itsy bitsy fingers, willowy arms & legs, those delicate blue eyes … I couldn’t hold that darling close enough. Cloud 9 doesn’t even begin to describe my inner bursting emotions … it was wonderful, I finally have a daughter.
That first gentle touch, that warm precious first hug, your first tear, when you got that first tooth, how playing patty cake delighted you, peek-a-boo was filled with laughter, when you said 'MaMa', the little ouchie that crushed you, the wobbly first steps, when your shadow scared you ... what a heart filled first year.
I love the first picture of you & your brothers on your first birthday. You in your Buffy outfit on 5th birthday & hair style ... & the 7th birthday with so few teeth in front & your Cher pig tails.
And, then you grew up. Those in between years were filled with precious love, gentle moments together, a bond that was forever. You were a tom-girl with your 2 brothers as a big influence … sports were your fav ... remember when you were bat girl for that men's baseball team ... you were ecstatic. As you blossomed forth into life you became a very strong individual, full of spunk & verve, yet very soft inwardly. Remember when you did modeling? ... then when you were 14 you got the asst. mgr. job at A&W? My pride was front up with your meeting every step & challenge in life, head on. Embedded in each child ‘never say never, you can do anything you want in life, don’t let anything stop you from doing what you wish’, I said over & over.
We were inseparable 900% … such fun we had.
I remember how I would lie on the couch & you would snuggle close to my chest, the eldest son would lie on my upper side & the second son would lie in the space behind my folded legs … we four would cuddle & watch TV. The many days of long story hours, game playing, shopping, looking for bugs, the baking cookies, playing baseball … those little moments are chiseled forever close to my heart & in my soul. The cold snowy winters we sled down the hill, built snowmen & forts … the spring warm days of planting seeds in the garden & your glee with the growth … the hot summer days of swimming pool fun … the autumn raking of leaves as you tossed them with laughter echoing … That first date, the first job, the first love, the first motorcycle ride … oh, how I can still recall those embedded moments capturing your delight …
For the moments of love & friendship that we shared, I am forever grateful. The love that grew is still as strong as from that first moment you entered this earth with a soft sweet cry … I am here! I still linger in memory that first caress, that first burst of love … & hold it dearly to my heart … forever.
May your birthday be blessed, thank you for the loving memories I treasure each day … you are so loved, daughter. Forever in love, Your Mother (& Father)