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Monday, December 21, 2009
~ Keep the True Meaning of Christmas Alive & In Your Hearts ...~
Friday, December 11, 2009
~ Feedsack Fantasy Cordially Invites You ... ~
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Our new blog ~ PSSSSST!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
~ Dear Santa, I have a request ... (& GIVEAWAY WINNERS)!!

Monday, December 7, 2009
~ Remember When ... Charlie Brown ... '

Remember sitting around glued with anticipation to that television to view this first program ... how that music echoes on ...
A Charlie Brown Christmas is the first of many prime-time animated TV specialsbased upon the comic stripPeanuts, by Charles M. Schulz aired for the first time.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
~ WWll History Events & Memoir ~

Thank God for these brave men who were caught off guard thru a sequence of events, rose to the attack without question to protect our great country!
We can never give enough honor to our troops who continue to fight our freedoms for this great nation.
The Arizona Memorial (above pictured) I have visited. It is solemn & heartbreaking to stand on her. (You may also enjoy my post of Dec.5)
Memoirs ~ John Joniec can never forget. He recalls 'Roosevelt called it a day that will live in infamy' ... I have never forgotten it. He & his buddies in Schofield Barracks had little money left in their paychecks after deductions so they hung out together. The next day before 8AM he & his buddies were sitting on the barracks porch when they heard a loud boom. Joniec thought it was the Navy on maneuvers.
Within seconds of that loud boom a squadron swooped down through a mountain pass & over palm trees. Painted on the underside of the wings were red circles. 'Japs'! someone shouted.
Acting instinctively with rifles & ammo in hand they shot at the bombarding planes. As a Japanese fighter plane dived low & strafed the barracks, Joniec cocked his head close to the barrel of the machine gun to avoid whizzing bullets ..... while the sergeant blasted thru a full belt of ammo. This permanently damaged his eardrum nerves.
A scene from his boyhood in the early '30s flahsed to mind. He & his father are on the docks in Pt/ Richmond, watching scrap iron & steel being loaded onto ships bound for Japan. His father warns: "Someday they're going to use that stuff against you guys.'
More than 84,000 service personnel were within three miles of the island of Oahu that terror-filled day that propelled the US into WWll. The attack destroyed or grounded nearly 350 aircraft, 21 ships were sunk or badly damaged. More than 2,400 Americans were killed, including 68 civilians.
His son in 2006 saluted him in a poem titled 'The Pineapple Solder'. One verse reads ~
The day of infamy would sear
And forever ring in his ear
War is not a game or story
Men find death. There is no glory.
(Excerpt from the Frederick News Post)
Sequence of Events
Saturday, December 6 - Washington D.C. - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt makes a final appeal to the Emperor of Japan for peace. There is no reply. Late this same day, the U.S. code-breaking service begins intercepting a 14-part Japanese message and deciphers the first 13 parts, passing them on to the President and Secretary of State. The Americans believe a Japanese attack is imminent, most likely somewhere in Southeast Asia.
Sunday, December 7 - Washington D.C. - The last part of the Japanese message, stating that diplomatic relations with the U.S. are to be broken off, reaches Washington in the morning and is decoded at approximately 9 a.m. About an hour later, another Japanese message is intercepted. It instructs the Japanese embassy to deliver the main message to the Americans at 1 p.m. The Americans realize this time corresponds with early morning time in Pearl Harbor, which is several hours behind. The U.S. War Department then sends out an alert but uses a commercial telegraph because radio contact with Hawaii is temporarily broken. Delays prevent the alert from arriving at headquarters in Oahu until noontime (Hawaii time) four hours after the attack has already begun.
Sunday, December 7 - Islands of Hawaii, near Oahu - The Japanese attack force under the command of Admiral Nagumo, consisting of six carriers with 423 planes, is about to attack. At 6 a.m., the first attack wave of 183 Japanese planes takes off from the carriers located 230 miles north of Oahu and heads for the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor - At 7:02 a.m., two Army operators at Oahu's northern shore radar station detect the Japanese air attack approaching and contact a junior officer who disregards their reports, thinking they are American B-17 planes which are expected in from the U.S. west coast.
Near Oahu - At 7:15 a.m., a second attack wave of 167 planes takes off from the Japanese carriers and heads for Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor is not on a state on high alert. Senior commanders have concluded, based on available intelligence, there is no reason to believe an attack is imminent. Aircraft are therefore left parked wingtip to wingtip on airfields, anti-aircraft guns are unmanned with many ammunition boxes kept locked in accordance with peacetime regulations. There are also no torpedo nets protecting the fleet anchorage. And since it is Sunday morning, many officers and crewmen are leisurely ashore.
At 7:53 a.m., the first Japanese assault wave, with 51 'Val' dive bombers, 40 'Kate' torpedo bombers, 50 high level bombers and 43 'Zero' fighters, commences the attack with flight commander, Mitsuo Fuchida, sounding the battle cry: "Tora! Tora! Tora!" (Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!).
The Americans are taken completely by surprise. The first attack wave targets airfields and battleships. The second wave targets other ships and shipyard facilities. The air raid lasts until 9:45 a.m. Eight battleships are damaged, with five sunk. Three light cruisers, three destroyers and three smaller vessels are lost along with 188 aircraft. The Japanese lose 27 planes and five midget submarines which attempted to penetrate the inner harbor and launch torpedoes.
Escaping damage from the attack are the prime targets, the three U.S. Pacific Fleet aircraft carriers, Lexington, Enterprise and Saratoga, which were not in the port. Also escaping damage are the base fuel tanks.
The casualty list includes 2,335 servicemen and 68 civilians killed, with 1,178 wounded. Included are 1,104 men aboard the Battleship USS Arizona killed after a 1,760-pound air bomb penetrated into the forward magazine causing catastrophic explosions.
In Washington, various delays prevent the Japanese diplomats from presenting their war message to Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, until 2:30 p.m. (Washington time) just as the first reports of the air raid at Pearl Harbor are being read by Hull.
News of the "sneak attack" is broadcast to the American public via radio bulletins, with many popular Sunday afternoon entertainment programs being interrupted. The news sends a shockwave across the nation and results in a tremendous influx of young volunteers into the U.S. armed forces. The attack also unites the nation behind the President and effectively ends isolationist sentiment in the country.
Monday, December 8 - The United States and Britain declare war on Japan with President Roosevelt calling December 7, "a date which will live in infamy..."
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Trained Free-Flying Eagle
About "Challenger"
Challenger is a non-releasable Bald Eagle cared for by the non-profit American Eagle Foundation. Since 1991, this majestic bird has been a free-flying educational ambassador for his recovering species in the wild. He was blown from his Louisiana nest in a storm at five weeks of age — was rescued and hand-raised by well-meaning people. As a result, he became human-imprinted for life.
Members of the Texas Rangers line up on the first base line during introductions as Challenger, a bald eagle, flies down to his keeper on the mound prior to the Rangers home-opener.
Named in honor of the lost space shuttle crew, Challenger has performed free-flights during the USA's National Anthem at hundreds of events coast to coast — raising substantial public awareness for the Bald Eagle protection cause. He is the first Bald Eagle in American history trained to free-fly into stadiums and arenas during the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. He has helped educate millions of people about the need to protect the USA's National Bird.
AEF President Al Louis Cecere and Challenger, traveling educational
ambassadors for 19 years
Once on the brink of extinction, the Bald Eagle has made a successful come-back to the USA's lands, waterways and skies. In June 2007, our nation's living symbol of freedom was removed from Endangered Species Act protection. Its dramatic recovery is an American success story attained by caring people working together. It will now be up to every United States citizen to keep this precious national treasure flying strong and free for future generations.
The words and music of the "When Challenger Flies" song (the video sound track) were composed and performed by James Rogers, entertainer and songwriter (
~ God Bless Our Troops, In Memoriam ... WWII ~
Reports by Survivors of Pearl Harbor Attack
(These are copied in entirety so you will not miss any important info they recounted)
**Lieutenant Commander T. T. Beattie wrote as follows:
About five minutes to eight I was in the wardroom just finishing breakfast, when word came over the loud speaker from the officer-of-the-deck, "away fire and rescue party." This was followed immediately by a second announcement over the loud speaker, "Japanese are attacking, all hands General Quarters," and the general alarm was rung.
I heard several dull explosions coming from other battleships. Immediately I left the wardroom and ran up the starboard passageway to the bridge. The Captain was just ahead of me and proceeding in the same direction.
At this time the ship listed at least five or six degrees and was steadily listing more to port. The Captain and I went to the conning tower, our battle stations, and at this time dive bombing attacks started to take place and numerous explosions were felt throughout the ship. Upon testing our communications with central station and to the guns we found they were disrupted. I suggested to the Captain as long as no communications were in the battle conning tower that we leave there and attempt to establish messenger communication and try to save the ship. We went out on the starboard side of the bridge discussing what to do. During all this time extremely heavy bombing and strafing attacks occurred. The ship was constantly shaken by bomb hits.
The Captain doubled up with a groan and stated that he had been wounded. I saw that be had been hit in the stomach probably by a large piece of shrapnel and was very seriously wounded. He then sank to the deck and I loosened his collar. I then sent a messenger for a pharmacists mate to assist the Captain.
Just then the USS Arizona's forward magazines blew up with a tremendous explosion and large sheets of flame shot skyward, and I began to wonder about our own magazines and whether they were being flooded. I posted a man with the Captain and went down to the forecastle where a number of the crew and officers had gathered. I got hold of a chief turret captain to check immediately on the magazines and to flood them if they were not flooded at this time. Large sheets of flame and several fires started aft. Burning fuel oil from the USS Arizona floated down on the stern of the ship. Just then the gunnery officer, Lieutenant Commander Berthold, came aboard and I asked him to try to flood the forward magazines. Shortly thereafter I was informed that the after magazines were completely flooded but that they were unable to flood the forward magazines as the water was now almost to the main deck.
At about this time a large oil fire swept from the USS Arizona down the port side of the USS West Virginia. We had no water on board as the fire mains and machinery were out of commission and we were unable to do any fire fighting at all. I got into a motor launch to go to the stern of the ship to investigate the fire. The smoke was so heavy that I could not see aft of the bridge. As I got into the boat a sheet of flame swept on top of us and we barely managed to get free of the fire. I then had the boat take me aft. The burning oil on the water swept by the ship and I managed to return to the quarterdeck. I realized then that the ship was lost.
The attack lasted approximately thirty minutes. We were able to fire all our ready ammunition on the anti-aircraft batteries, but were unable to replenish it as the ship was flooded. I then told the men on the quarterdeck, with the exception of a small working party, to leave the ship. I believe at this time that all the wounded had been taken off the ship and it was extremely dangerous for anyone to remain aboard; that nothing could be done to save the ship and shells from the secondary batteries were constantly exploding due to the intensive heat of the fire midships.
The conduct of the crew and officers was outstanding. There was no confusion and every man and officer did his duty as well as he was able under the conditions.
I was in the lower handling room of Turret IV. After the first hit, I went to the shell deck. The lights went out and the ship started to turn over. I went to the lower handling room and followed a man with a flash light. I entered the trunk just outside of handling room on the starboard side. The lower handling room flooded completely. Water entered the trunk. I dove and swam to the bottom of the trunk and left the ship through the hatch at the main deck and swam to the surface.
Eleven men in the lower handling room of turret IV escaped through the lucky bag. When the rescue party cut a hole in the lucky bag, the water rose rapidly but all men were removed before the water flooded the lucky bag completely.
Five men were in the five inch twenty-five caliber handling room preparatory to sending up anti-aircraft ammunition. They escaped to the five inch handling room and reduced flooding through ventilation ducts by stuffing rags in the lines. They were eventually saved by the rescue party by way of the shaft alley.
Eight men with water up to their necks were rescued from the steering compartment after these men, who had set condition "Z," were enabled to enter the steering room through the hole made for them. Three holes were made in all; pumps were in use constantly to keep the level of the water and oil below the danger point.
Friday, December 4, 2009
~ 1905 Vintage Film of Cable Car in San Francisco ~

Early Cable Car History: The driving force behind the San Francisco cable car system came from a man who witnessed a horrible accident on a typically damp summer day in 1869. Andrew Smith Hallidie saw the toll slippery grades could extract when a horse- drawn streetcar slid backwards under its heavy load. The steep slope with wet cobblestones and a heavily weighted vehicle combined to drag five horses to their deaths. Although such a sight would stun anyone, Hallidie and his partners had the know-how to do something about the problem. Hallidie had been born in England and moved to the U.S. in 1852. His father filed the first patent in Great Britain for the manufacture of wire- rope. As a young man, Hallidie found uses for this technology in California's Gold Country. He used the wire-rope when designing and building a suspension bridge across Sacramento's American River. He also found another use for the wire-rope when pulling heavy ore cars out of the underground mines on tracks. The technology was in place for pulling cable cars. The next step bringing Hallidie closer to his fate was moving his wire- rope manufacturing to San Francisco. All that was now needed was seeing the accident for the idea to become full blown-a cable car railway system to deal with San Francisco's fearsome hills. ~~~~~~~~~ 6 GIVEAWAYS ~ Enter on our Dec. 2 post @ |
Thursday, December 3, 2009
~ I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas ~ & GIVEAWAYS