Monday, March 23, 2009

~~~ Rebirth of a Begonia ~~~

I love to garden & particularly enjoy my begonias. Last winter I did not take the begonia
bulbs out, shake them off & store them properly, as I should have. I just left them in the
pot in front of the kitchen window.

This morning as I watered the geraniums & begonia pots I thought I saw a little leaf ...
AND ... lo & behold! a 1" begonia has been 'born'. I am so excited.

Dreams come true for those who work while they dream.


  1. It is nice to meet you. I never knew that you had to do anything special to begonias. I like to discover my flowers popping up out of the ground too. I love spring

  2. Ooohhh so happy you stopped by to say hello.. Your blog is sweeet.. LOVE your chandeliers.. Just gorgeous !! Can't have enough of those.. I'll drop by again soon, you have a blessed, restful evening..hugs ~tea~
